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Fill out your profile to enable our recruiters to reach out and determine your availability and suitability for a range of research studies to get paid for your opinion.
Become a participant and get paid for research studies online and in person. This could include product testing, mystery shopping, website usability testing, and more.
Get paid for your opinions on new products, before they are launched into the market.
Become a secret shopper and gather information about your customer experience—in person, online, or over the phone.
Share your experience with products, including how you interact with them and whether they meet your needs.
Get paid for your opinions on new products, before they are launched into the market.
Become a secret shopper and gather information about your customer experience—in person, online, or over the phone.
Share your experience with products, including how you interact with them and whether they meet your needs.
Participate in interviews in your home with a moderator and other researchers as they learn about your lifestyle and everyday behaviors.
Role play as a juror as a lawyer takes you through a mock trial or other legal discussion.
Get paid to observe court proceedings and convey your thoughts to a trial consultant or lawyer.
Give your opinions on new foods and beverages so food manufacturers can understand your likes and dislikes.
Watch TV programs, commercials, and other media while your reactions are measured in real-time
When you sign up to get paid for research studies, you might participate in a focus group, product test, music test, or even a mock jury. You will always receive a generous incentive for sharing your thoughts and opinions.
Once chosen, provide candid feedback to ensure our clients receive the authentic insights they require.
As your opinions are valuable, you will get paid for sharing your opinion once the research study is concluded.
If you’re not sure whether taking paid surveys and participating in focus groups is right for you, take a look at what some of our happy participants are saying about working with us. We make it easy to earn rewards for your opinions—get paid for surveys and studies by signing up today.
I've been part of two online focus groups with Opinions For Cash and had a great experience both times. I enjoyed giving my opinions and love the compensation.
Opinions For Cash makes it easy to find good focus groups and other studies. And the pay is always good. Highly recommended!
I just did my first diary study. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but it was interesting to keep a journal of my daily activities and thoughts. The pay was definitely good. Hope to do more!
I’m glad companies ask us for our opinions on things. It’s an easy way to make money while knowing they are listening to what you think.
Best way to make extra money. Opinions For Cash pays more than any other research company I’ve tried.
Whether you participate in a website usability test or music test, sign up today and get paid for research studies.
Still have questions about online paid research studies? Our FAQs will give you all the details on taking surveys, participating in studies, and being a part of focus groups for new products and services. Companies need your opinions, and you’ll be compensated for your time.
Making money from research studies involves participating in surveys, focus groups, interviews, or product testing sessions conducted by market research companies. These companies compensate participants for their time and opinions, typically through cash payments, gift cards, or other rewards. As a recruitment company for market research studies, setting up your profile with Opinions For Cash will make you available to be selected for these studies.
Market research covers a wide range of studies, including surveys, focus groups, in-person interviews, online diaries, and product testing. The specific types of studies you can participate in will depend on your profile and interests.
Yes, participants are always compensated for their time and insights. The amount of compensation is included in the study description listed on our website.
The timing of compensation can vary depending on the research firm and the study. Payments are usually sent within 3-6 weeks upon completion of the study. The compensation details are included with each study description before you sign up.