Video Game Enthusiasts 18+Method:
Online Journal + Follow Up InterviewDate(s):
01/24 - 02/07Time(s):
30 min/dayIncentive:
$400We are currently looking for adults over the age of 18 who play video games to participate in an upcoming research study. This is a 2 phase study that will consist of a 7 day online board and a follow up interview taking place online. In order to qualify for this study, you MUST be available for both phases of the study if chosen. To participate in the online community, you would need to log in to the online platform each day and complete approximately 30-45 minutes’ worth of activities each day. Activities could include answering prompts, uploading pictures or videos and interacting with others on the platform. The board will open on January 24th and all activities must be complete by January 31st in order to receive the incentive of $250. Phase 2 of the study would be A 60-minute one-on-one virtual video interview. During this interview, we will go more in-depth in exploring the topics discussed in Phase 1. This virtual interview would take place online on a platform similar to Zoom between February 2nd and 7th and pays an additional $150 for completion.