White Plains, NY ResidentsMethod:
Online CommunityDate(s):
12 monthsIncentive:
$5 - $150We have a unique study coming up and we would love for you to be a part of it. Researchers have been working with a major food brand and have come up with an exciting new concept that they would love for you to be a part of. Unlike most studies, this one is taking place over the course of 12 months. Participants who qualify for this study will have the opportunity to test out an exciting new social platform about food where you can connect with like minded individuals and have your voice heard. Over the course of 12 months, participants will be able to complete different fun activities and get paid for doing so. Activity incentives range from $5 to $150 PER activity. However, in order to qualify for this study participants must be able to begin completing activities the first week of march and commit to 12 months of testing this platform. If you drop put before the 12 months is up, you may risk not receiving any incentives. We are currently only looking for adults between 18 and 64 who live in White Plains, NY.
Your honest answers in this survey are appreciated. If at any point during this study it is determined that you do not qualify, you may be released from the study without pay.